Gemi Kaptanları ve Güverte Zabitlerinde İş Yükü, İş Stresi, ve Tükenmişlik İlişkisi



Anahtar Kelimeler:

workload- burnout- uncertainties- seafarer- maritime profession


Throughout history, maritime has always been at the forefront as an element of trade, transport and political power. Today, as in every part of history, the building blocks of the maritime sector are seafarers. By its nature, maritime is a profession that requires attention in difficult sea and weather conditions as well as physical and psychological strength. Seafarers may encounter various problems such as excessive workload, unsuitable working environment, irregular and inadequate rest hours, mobbing by superiors and shipowners during their service on ships. In addition, social life and being away from their loved ones can lead to burnout, which can affect the whole organisation and create problems in ethical and human values. Psychology of uncertainty in seafarers, which is directly related to workload, work stress and burnout, was studied in this study.  This study aimed to examine the impact of uncertainties and discomfort on ship personnel and explore potential differences based on age, years of service, and gender. A survey was conducted, encompassing participants of various ages, services, and both genders, resulting in a large and diverse data pool. The analysis focused on the relationship between uncertainties, discomfort, and their interactions. The findings revealed that discomfort caused by uncertainty had a greater influence on ship personnel compared to the uncertainty itself. Age and years of service emerged as significant factors in experiencing uncertainties and discomfort, while gender did not play a significant role. Pairwise comparisons further revealed differences between most theme pairs and distinct discomfort levels. Overall, this study emphasizes the substantial impact of discomfort resulting from uncertainties on ship personnel and emphasizes the importance of considering age and years of service in understanding these effects. The findings contribute to the understanding of uncertainties and discomfort in the maritime profession and support the notion that anticipating potential discomfort plays a significant role in ship personnel's responses.





