Role of Licensed Strorage for Establishing Market Equilibrium Within the Frame of Global Competitiveness at Agricultural Entreprises Economics


  • admin admin Avrasya Akademi


agriculture, economy, competition, producer, consumer, licencedstoragesystem


As Turkey'sgeographicallocation is located in manycountriesaround the worldwillwantto be found. The FourSeasons is one of the fewcountrieswhichhaveexperiencedtogether and in order. But in recentyears, especiallyclimaticconditions in the agriculturalproductsgrown in the countrywasadverselyaffectedby the ever-changing. Itformed an imbalance in production and productionvolume has fluctuatedfromyeartoyear. ManufacturersInterms of productshavebeensold at a price far below the value of the losssufferedand, ifconsumershavewhenconsidered in terms of supplytomeet the demand and fallingpricesdueto the increase in the volume of productionoccurred. Inthiscase, consumersalso hit hard by the manufacturer, at the same time is alsoseen as adverselyaffected the country'scompetitivenessWhenevaluated at the internationallevel. It is precisely at thispoint in ourface "LicensedWarehouseSystem" standsout. Thesesystemsareprotectedbykeeping the products with beter quality and a healthyenvironment can takeitsplace in the market and thus the realprice. Thanksto the system in balanceproducer and consumercountries can enter the order and maintaining and improvingcompetitiveness in the international arena.




