About The Session of Ferhat Turanly's Dissertation for a Scientific Degree of Doctor of Sciences (History)


  • Yücel ÖZTÜRK Sakarya Üniversitesi



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Ferhat Turanly's Dissertation- Ferhat Turanly's- Dissertation- Scientific- Scientific Degree- Sciences- History


A session of Dissertation For A Scientific Degree Of Doctor Of Sciences (History) took place at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv On October 12, 2017. In the session, ten people from Turkey, of whose the two with particular mission as “evaluators” participated. The session prepared for the presentation of Ferhat Turanly's dissertation for a scientific degree of doctor of sciences (history) under the name of "The Cossack period in Ukraine's history in Ottoman Turkish writing sources"1, was a very impressive and inspiring event for Turkish academicians. In the session where Ferhat Turanlı was a defender, 18 members of the academic council of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv presented their findings and criticisms on the thesis of Turanly. In this frame, me and Prof. Dr. Mehmet Inbası were particularly invited from Turkey and we offered our evaluations about Turanlı’s work. I will share the evaluation with the reader below. However, firstly, I want to mention some issues that affect us about the event. Particularly effective for the Turkish side was the seriousness, care and discipline demonstrated at the session. All council members evaluated Turanly's thesis with long analysis and put forward their recommendations. However, there were also some events that occurred suddenly and caused serious disturbance in this harmonious stream of the session. We all witnessed various interventios of academicians like Halenko, an academician at an institution in Kiev, Viktor Ostapchuk, who continues working as an academician in Canada, and Dariusz Kolodziejczyk, a scholar in Poland though formally were not included in the session.  Ostapchuk and Kolodziejczyk had not attended the session themselves, but they had reported their opinion with a sharp disagreement about Turanly with the letters they sent. Viktor Ostapchuk's attitude did not surprise me, because he had tried to influence my person with the mail he wrote two days before the session, and tried to change my positive findings about Turanly’s research.  





