SWOT- SWOT Method- Feasibility Studies- Scientific Studies- Research Techniques- Research
The research methods used in the physical sciences are generally based on quantitative analysis as social sciences use mostly qualitative analysis. As a result, research findings in the social sciences are rather subjective evaluations. To avoid the mistakes and misleading of subjective assessments different type of analytical methods are used in the social researches. Many researches in social sciences are classified as explanatory because it attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two aspects of a situation or phenomenon. The exploratory research is carried out to investigate the possibilities of undertaking a particular research study which is also called as ‘feasibility’ or ‘pilot’ study. The SWOT method is commonly used in these types of research studies. The methodology of this study is based on the review of SWOT method applications in research and supported with a survey to define missing points and deficiencies in the existing master and doctorate theses. Then possible techniques to improve application of SWOT method in research studies are discussed and results are introduced. The outcome of study may provide useful information for the researchers who prefer use of SWOT method in their studies. This study may lead further studies on improvement of effective use of the research methods which may increase quality of research studies.