Veri Zarflama Analitik Hiyerar?i Prosesi (VZAHP) ile Analitik Hiyerar?i Prosesi(AHP) Metotlar?n?n Yeni Ürün Geli?tirme Sürecinde Uygulanmas? ve Sonuçlar?n?n Kar??la?t?r?lmas?


  • admin admin Avrasya Akademi


Multicriteria, Decision, Making, Analytic, Hierarchy, Process, Data, Envelopment


Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), is a method that aim to choose the best among alternatives in multicriteria decision making problems. AHP provides to gain priorities vectors for selected criteria. Also, AHP is normalized the priority vectors and provides to compare the selected alternatives. So, AHP is the most useful method from engineering to social sciences in decision process. Using of Data Enveleopment Analysis (DEA) is suggested to gain local weight instead of AHP and hybrid AHP model is developed. Data Envelopment Analytic Hierarchy Process (DEAHP), is the application of DEA to obtain the weights in the AHP process. In literature, there are limited number of studies on DEAHP. The aim of this study is to evaluate results of AHP and DEAHP methods comparatively. For this purpose, AHP and DEAHP methods were applied to the new product develeopment process in a textile company.



How to Cite

admin, admin. (2022). Veri Zarflama Analitik Hiyerar?i Prosesi (VZAHP) ile Analitik Hiyerar?i Prosesi(AHP) Metotlar?n?n Yeni Ürün Geli?tirme Sürecinde Uygulanmas? ve Sonuçlar?n?n Kar??la?t?r?lmas?. Eurasian Eononometrics, Statistics and Emprical Economics Journal. Retrieved from


