An Analysis of the Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment and Sociopolitical Factors via the Use of Panel Regression


  • BETÜL GÜR İstanbul Ticaret Üniversistesi Ticari Bilimler Fakültesi İktisat Bölümü



Foreign, Direct, Investment, Panel, Regression, Analysis, Political, Risk, Perceived, Corruption, Index, Human, Development, The, Terrorism, Multidimensional, Poverty


Competitiveness has arisen between countries especially those that have inadequate internal resources because of the attention foreign direct investment has received in financing their development. Those developing countries that have been able to successfully create an environment which is attractive to the foreign investor have enjoyed a higher place among all other developing countries The foreign investor takes into account factors such as economic and political condition of the home country, its labor market and technological infrastructure to make the least costly and most profitable investment while taking as little risk as possible. Especially in the last five years sociopolitical factors have become important in the decision making process. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between direct foreign investment (FDI) and sociopolitical factors such as political risks, indices of perceived corruption, humanitarian development, risk of terror and multidimensional poverty. The relationship will be brought forth and interpreted via panel regression analysis. The study conducted about developing countries over the years 2010-2014 has demonstrated that all the independent factors with the exception of the index of multidimensional poverty have had a statistically meaningful effect on FDI.



How to Cite

GÜR, B. (2022). An Analysis of the Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment and Sociopolitical Factors via the Use of Panel Regression. Eurasian Eononometrics, Statistics and Emprical Economics Journal, 43–55.‐V3‐05


