Various Approaches for the Estimation of the Three-Dimensional Fixed and Random Effect Models


  • Ferda Yerdelen TATOĞLU İstanbul Üniversitesi



Three, dimensional, panel, data, models, fixed, effect, random, effects


Two dimensional panel data models which include unit and/or time effect is inadequate sometimes for the analysis of the economic theory every aspect, therefore a need for multi-dimensional data model with more than two effects. On this need, recently studies in econometric literature have focused on how to estimate the multi-dimensional panel data model. In the estimation of the multi-dimensional panel data models with more than one unit and time effects nested each other, it is very important for which hypothesis and specifications is included in the model of the effects to obtain unbiased and efficient parameter estimators. While to estimate with fixed effects, within transformation vary depending on the whether the combination of included effects or individually and it varies the meaning of the model. The purpose of this study, to consider the alternative models it can be derived to estimate three dimensional fixed and random effect panel data models and to choose between them.



How to Cite

TATOĞLU, F. Y. (2022). Various Approaches for the Estimation of the Three-Dimensional Fixed and Random Effect Models. Eurasian Eononometrics, Statistics and Emprical Economics Journal, 60–70.‐V5‐05


