Management Board

Chairman of the Board

Kutluk Ka�an SÜMER

Board of Directors

  • Muhsin Kadio�lu
  • Zeki Severo�lu
  • To�rul �smayil
  • Hayati Besirli
  • �lyas Topsakal
  • Murat Çak
  • Ünsal Umdu Topsakal
  • Abdulkadir Emeksiz


The Management Board conducts the management regarding all kinds of legal and operation process of the journal. It is above the all bodies of the journal. The head of the management board is the editor in chief of the journal. Majority decision is taken into account. There are a total of 9 permanent members in management board. A decision taken by 51% of those permanent members and a common decision is the absolute decision. If deemed necessary, a publication or study may be decided not to be published upon the decision of management board although it has been approved by the referees before. In that case, author/authors can’t make any claims and impose sanctions. With certain intervals and periods, the management board can carry out below practices: designation of referees, acceptance or rejection of referees, evaluation or analysis of the study after referee approval, plagiarism, whether it is in line with the publication criteria of the journal, publication of special issue, publication of papers presented in congress or conferences as special issues, including new disciplines or scientific fields, shaping the journal management, appointment of editor, job definition of field editors or redefinition, studies concerning indices, official correspondences and arrangement of acceptance letters. Concerning these procedures, none of the boards, individuals, referees, institutions, authors or other persons or organizations having other differences can have a voice or make a suggestion. The decisions of the management board are absolute and final and have legal and inalterable clarity. Reports of referees regarding all kinds of procedures about the journal, volumes and the studies included in the volumes, information of the referees who carry out the evaluations and information about all other procedures are conducted upon the consent of the management board. All these practices are carried out with the approval of the management board and the related volume is uploaded to the system. Any changes can’t be made or demanded to be made on the studies which were approved by the management board and uploaded to the system. All procedures about the journal are only performed with the knowledge and approval of the management board. .