


Secondary School, School Culture, Student Achievement


Schools are considered important structures that create culture. Maintaining this culture and keeping up with technological changes is a critical requirement for schools to survive. Otherwise, the chances of long-term success of an institution that cannot keep up with change may decrease. Schools are responsible for preserving the cultural heritage from the past and passing it on to future generations. At the same time, updating and changing this heritage when necessary is nourished by the philosophy and goals of the school. School culture is one of the important factors that deeply affects students' lives and shapes their personalities. It also plays an important role in improving school success. School culture helps students take their individual abilities into account when determining educational goals. If the school has a positive culture, teacher motivation increases and student success increases in parallel with the student's desire to learn. Conversely, a negative school culture can hinder the development of student values ​​and cause difficulties in the transition to a strong school culture. School culture can contribute to accelerating change or stalling change because the process of change depends solely on the structure of the organization. In addition, employees' values ​​and their communication with each other must also change. Research on school culture sheds light on the important functions of schools. School culture depends on how members of the school community interact with each other and directs how students behave towards each other (Hinde, 2004). School culture is an important factor that determines the essence of an educational institution and the basic qualities of the environment it offers to students. School culture includes elements such as that school's values, norms, behaviors, and the general tone of the learning environment. The main goal of this research is to contribute to the creation of a strong school culture in secondary schools. Creating a strong school culture can make it possible for students to develop and increase their success in a productive educational environment. If the school has a positive culture, teacher motivation increases and student success increases in parallel with the student's desire to learn. In schools with a negative school culture, student values ​​cannot develop, and difficulties may occur in the transition to a strong school culture.





Secondary School Social Studies Education