Frequently Asked Questions

1- Is the journal refereed and international?

The journal is a refereed international journal.  It is indexed with and included in many international indexes.

2-Does the journal charge any publication fee?

2.1 The journal does not demand any charge. Everyone being a member to the system can send papers to our journal. Moreover, our journal is an ONLINE journal and the papers published in the system can be downloaded to computer by users and authors in PDF format.

3- Are the readers allowed to access to the issues and the articles without being a member of the journal?

3-1 All the issues in the journal can be downloaded in pdf format.

4-What is the frequency of publication of the journal?

4-1 The journal publishes 4 times per year; the issues with full texts are uploaded to the system in January, April, July and October.

5- Are the authors informed of the evaluation process?

5-1 The journal is web-based, and the information concerning the evaluation process can be obtained by the members of the journal. The authors will also be provided with the necessary information about the process. 

6-How many referees evaluate a manuscript?

6-1   Manuscripts, which are evaluated by the field editors, are sent to the two referees, experts in the appropriate field. Field editors send the approved papers to two field referees and referee evaluation process begins. This process takes two months at most. If evaluation reports are not received in two months, the article is sent to the third referee.  If there is still not any progress, field referee, and the editorial board decide on the publication process.

7- Is any information concerning “the author and authors” confidential or not?

 7-1 In this journal, and all the international refereed journals, information, concerning the author(s) is known only by the system editors, field editors, chief editor and assistant chief editors. This information is completely kept confidential.  The referees or members of the journal are not allowed to access to the information about the authors. 

8- Is there a certain number of articles to be published in the journal?

8-1 There is not a certain number of articles in the journal. Each article, approved by the referees and the editorial board, is accepted to be published in the journal without delay and sent for the layout process which is the final stage.

9- Is an author allowed to submit more than one paper in the same issue?

9-1  It is out of the question in terms of ethics. However, more than one manuscript of the same author can be published in the same journal or the following issues if the publication and editorial board approve the articles.  But this situation is possible only for specific cases. 

10-  Are there sufficient referees in all the fields that the journal is seeking articles? 

10-1 The journal consists of qualified, sufficient and successful referees, experts in their fields, who respect scientific qualities and terms and evaluate the manuscripts efficiently and voluntarily without pecuniary benefit. For this reason, in the journal there is more than one referee with an academic career in each field, eager to contribute to the development of science with their knowledge and experience.

11-  What is the duty of the science and advisory board?

11- 1 The science and advisory board is responsible for solving the incompatibility problems that the referees experience; the board give the final decision independently, and they act actively to solve such problems. The decisions of the science and advisory board are accepted without questioning. Their decisions cannot be changed.

12- Is an author allowed to submit his/her paper to the science and advisory board in a negative situation?

12-1 This situation is out of question. It occurs in accordance with the will of the chief editor.

13- If an author submits his/her paper simultaneously to another journal for consideration, and the paper is accepted in that journal too, what kind of procedures are taken?

13- 1  The publication board gives the final decision in such cases. As the publication board does not regard such attitudes as ethical, even if the paper has been published, it is removed from the system on condition that refutation is published, necessary institutions are informed, and the rights are reserved. However, in order to avoid such problems, the guidelines for the authors should be read carefully and the appropriate papers should be submitted. 

14- Does your journal accept papers from other languages?

14- 1 Currently, the language of the journal is Turkish and Turkish Dialects. However, studies in other languages are also accepted in the journal. 


15-  Is an author allowed to get information about the referee that is evaluating his/her paper? 

15- 1 It is out of question. The names of the referees will never be revealed to the authors even if they want to learn. 

16-Is an author allowed to give a name of a referee that he/she does not want his/her paper to be evaluated by?

16- 1 If such a problem occurs, and the referee is in the journal list, on condition that the process is confidential, the author should submit the necessary explanations and reasons in an official document to the chief editor. If this is approved by the chief editor, necessary steps are taken, otherwise, common procedures and standard working are carried out. 

17- Is an author allowed to suggest a referee to contribute to the evaluation process?

17-1  It is out of question. The field  and system editors decide on the issue. Authors cannot interfere in this process.

18-Are the authors to sign the transfer agreement or publishing transfer contract?

18-1 This situation is stated on the main page of the journal in the section titled publication principles. All the submitted papers are accepted to be transferred to the journal with exclusive rights.  The author is not asked to sign the document concerning his/her paper. However, in some cases the author should sign the contract, required by the field editors or administrative board and submit it to the chief editor officially. Otherwise the paper will not be published. 

19-Is an author allowed to withdraw his/her paper when he/she wishes?

19-1  If the evaluation process has started, papers cannot be withdrawn. The paper can only be withdrawn in case of plagiarism and scientific disquality and if the author sends an official letter, explaining the situation to the chief editor. The journal acts unilaterally in this issue.