Industry-University Cooperation, Innovation, Differentiation, Competition in IndustryAbstract
There has been a significant increase in the number of developing countries towards industrialization as we enter 21st century, and meanwhile, they have also begun to take their place in the market of "industrial goods" which previously has only been preserved by the developed countries. This case then has obliged those countries that have been entering to the mentioned competitive world markets, to develop different new procedures and techniques. Chance of success for the nations that cannot produce innovations will respectively be very low in the world new economic order. Our present century, in that respect will hence be probably referred as the era of "Innovation". In order to create novelties, we need to possess such systems which are constantly improving and making scientific researches. This function can only be best fulfilled by the scientific institutions, universities and research centres. Recently, the relationship between universities and industrial organizations has only be in a one -way and conducted within the quite limited intervals to meet the research requirements of the industry. The new requirements urge and force to establish more extensive, permanent and institutionalized relationship The purpose of this study is to provide recommendations to develop a more effective university-industry cooperation system for our country having the universities being 190 now in numbers and an industry capable to produce world-wide recognizable products in the international world markets.