


Globalization, Brand, Global Brand, Consumer Behavior, Purchasing Intent


Globally developing technology has made the borders of the world easier to overcome and access to everything in the world has become easier. This new world order has enabled concepts such as globalization to enter our lives. The removal of borders by technological developments has facilitated cultural exchange and facilitated the communication and transportation of individuals in different parts of the world. Global branding, which is a result of the global economy, has created markets for the goods of the manufacturer all over the world and has foreseen to provide ease of access to these markets and consumers. The formation of global markets has led to an increase in competition around the world. The intensification of competition has brought branding to the forefront, which will enable brands to hold on to the market. It is important to consolidate its place in the market, to be a globalized brand, to keep up with the constantly changing order of its products and the brand, to ensure the continuity of the brand in global markets. The biggest factor in the marketing processes of globalized brands is the consumer. In other words, the expectations of the consumers have priority in determining the goals of the enterprises. It is important to evaluate the consumption habits of the target audience and to understand the factors that play a role in shaping these habits. It is important that the habits of consumers in these markets are well studied and understood in the creation of marketing plans that globalized brands will implement for consumers in markets outside their own countries. In this context, analyzing and understanding the factors affecting the attitude of the consumer while purchasing a product plays an important role. With the importance of consumers' orientations in marketing strategies, the consumption habits of consumers become one of the main factors. Especially in the period we live in, their perspectives on globalization and globalized brands have become very important. This study investigates the intention to shop from globalized brands and examines the awareness of the brand in the global, the benefits of brand globalization, the general perspective on globalized brands, the attitude towards foreign products and the general idea of globalization, which are estimated to have an impact on the intention to shop from globalized brands. In line with the result of the research, “global brand purchase intention”; It can be said that "global brand awareness", "benefits of global brands" are positively affected by the general attitude about the global brand. However, the fact that negative attitudes towards foreign products and globalization negatively affect the “global brand purchase intention” is also clear.




