The Role of Foreign Forces on Turkish-Armenian Relations in the Context of ASALA
Turkey, Armenian, ASALA, USA, Lebanon, Cyprus, Greece, terror, diasporaAbstract
The events in 1915 had played a decisive role in Turkish-Armenian relations. The Foreign forces played an essential part in 1915, as well as following years. Armenians, who, claiming that the events taken place in 1915 were a genocide, have tried to dictate Turkey to recognize it, achieved to gain the support of many states until today. Many countries, such as Russia, Syrie, Lebanon, Greece, Greek Cypriot State, USA, France, which, bearing in mind that Turkey might not gain strength, abtains from Armenian lobby abroad and act jointly against Turkey, have been included in terrorist activities realized by Armenians, helping them. The assistance of these countries continued even in those years regarded by Turkey as "hassle-free". In this context, the "Armenian Question" should not be regarded as a problem that exists only between Turkey and Armenia. In order to understand the Armenian Question, we should observe why third countries have been stirring this question, what their aims are. In this study, it is aimed to analyze the role played by foreign forces in the context of ASALA (Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia)