The Role of Trust in Lidere in the Effect of Psychological Capital on Job Satisfaction: A Research in Tourism Sector
Psychological Capital, Trust in Supervisor, Trust in Leader, Tourism Sector, Job SatisfactionAbstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of employees' psychological capital level on satisfaction and the mediation role of trust in leader in this effect. For this purpose, 710 data has been collected from accommodation sector in Antalya by means of questionnaires. To idetify the level of employees’ psychological capital is used 24-item psychological capital scale that has been developed by Luthans, Avolio and his colleagues. Job satisfaction scale, that include four item, developed by Smith and his colleagues (1985) and validated in Turkish Culture by Gürbüz, Erkuş and Sigri (2010). The 6 item trust in leader scale is developed by Padsakof and his friends (1990) and validated in Turkish Culture by Turunç and Çelik (2012). By the result of regression analyses is determined that the employees' psychological capital levels have positive affects on job satisfaction and trust in leader is partialy mediate this effect.