Development of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) In Israel and Their View To Palestine Conflict


  • Agil MAMMADOV Azerbeycan Devlet İktisad Üniversitesi



Isreal, Palestine, Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society


In this article, especially we tried to relate the Jews civil society while making a research of forming, developing and current situation of NGO in Israel. Therefore, before the state of Israel was founded since the end of the nineteenth century politically, socially and economically organizing of Jews living in different countries that we will discuss the active civil society. It was tried to explain the organization of civil society groups in Israel and in consequence of that the formation process of NGO. Non-governmental organizations were carried out activities in various fields in Israel. As the Palestine conflict is the main problem of Israel civil society we made an effort to analyze the ideas of Jews NGO`s related to this topic. It was evaluated the point of view of NGO which have different opinions While analyzing the approach of Israel NGO`s to the Palestine conflict. In this article, it was analyzied about the both organizations which are in favor of place and the leading radical, religious and nationalist of right wing organizations.




