Investigation of the Technological System of Turkey's Defence Industry
Turkish Defence Industry, Technological System, Turkish Army Forces, Research and Development, World Defence IndustryAbstract
This study which is based on the investigation of technological sytem of Turkish Defence Industry is composed of an introduction section and three parts. In the second part of the study, defence industry in the World and in This study which is based on the investigation of technological sytem of Turkish Defence Industry is composed of an introduction section and three parts. In the second part of the study, defence industry in the World and in Turkey are discussed. In the third part of the study, the followings are revealed with the context of the “Technological System” approach in the technological system of Turkish Defence Industry ;
- Research and Development System of Turkish Defence Industry
- Production structure and institutions of Turkish Defence Industry
- Supply system of Turkish Army Forces
- Legal framework of Turkish Defence Industry
- International relations of Turkish Defence Industry
In the fourth and last part, the research with results and the proposals fort he development of Turkish Defence Industry are put into forwarded.