playing, awareness, Improvisation, to be at the momentAbstract
In this paper I will show the importance of improvisation for a dancer and explain the importance of recalling back (playing and being at the moment). When we are kids we have the playing instinct but it gets lost when we grow up. Though we need to recall this back as a dancer for the improvement of artistic progress. My method will be starting to evaluate from children and reach to the grown-ups. I’ll explain the kids instincts of playing and will also mention the place of improvisation in playing. I will get information from the books like Creative Movement and Dance by Garcia. M.E, Plevin M., Macagno P. and improve my thesis. Other than these I’ll also talk about grown-ups spiritual health and I’ll mention the help of improvisation in this context. In result improvisation is a need. The person who improvises does her inner journey, she sees herself like she has never seen before. To improvise is a necessary technique for all dancers. Other than dancers every human being has been observed getting therapy and getting free. As a solution a person who starts dancing improvisation learns to be at the moment from the beginning. She enhances the improvisation technique. She let’s herself to play. This situation is not like theater that one recalls back the feelings and the characters she has worked on in front of the audience and present it on stage. She exists with her state, feeling and the potential of playing. This is why a good dancer needs to be a good improviser. Improvisation is immanent to stage.