Are We What We Consume?


  • admin admin Avrasya Akademi


Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Luxury Branding, Brand ?mage, Consumer Self And ?deal Self, Psychological Needs


This study aims to understand why people prefer luxury brands and explore the psychological needs underlying such preferences. The results are analyzed on the basis of consumer self concept and social identity. The role of brand image and brand perceptions on luxury consumption is also examined. In depth-interviews were conducted with 13 people, both male and female, between the ages of 19 and 33. Our results suggest that the main reason people prefer luxury brands is because these brands help them satisfy their ego needs as well as social needs. Luxury brands act as symbolic tools that enable the user to feel superior and privilaged. Participants revealed that the pleasure and happiness induced by luxury brand ownership boost their self-confidence and subsequently led them to being appreciated by other people, including the people in their business environment. The participants also stated that they percieved strong associations between luxury brand ownership and higher educational level and higher cultural status.




