The Relationship Between Ethical Leadership And Positive Psychological Capital in Firms: A Research in Usak City
Ethics, Positive Pscychological Capital, LeadershipAbstract
It is well known that the management is basically a job of making decisions to achieve firm?s goals. The convictions the manager has about what is right or wrong within the processes held around all organization- which can be called as ethical leadership style- is very important for the decision process. The employees who are the implementors of these decisions are under psychological impact. The emotional moods of employees ends up with efficiency, debate in absenteeism rate, job satisfaction, dedication, involvement and so on. Consequently, as it is a reality that the psychological conditions affect employees? work within an organization, the leadership style which involves being honest, fair, values- oriented, trustful ? shortly called as ethical leaderhip style, determines the employee to have positive psychological capital components (hope, optimism, self- efficacy, resiliency) which is very important for the success of the firm. With this research, the relationship between ethical leadership style, positive psychological capital, its degree and direction is researched. The data is collected from a sample which has a Tourism Management Voucher in Usak. The survey is analysed with some statiscally methods and as a result we can say that there is a relationship between the manager?s ethical leadership style and the optimism, hope, resiliency but on the contrary there is not a meaningful relationship between the ethical leadership and self- efficacy.