Publication Principles

1. The language of the journal is Turkish, English and all another languages in addition to Turkish dialects.. The studies in different languages are also accepted.
2.If the editorial board and the administrative board approve the papers prepared in different languages, it is accepted. The journal acts unilaterally.
3.The journal is in print version. In the electronic version, only the Turkish and English abstracts are included. 
4.Papers are accepted on condition that the author is registered to be a member of the journal. 
5.None of the authors can assert legal rights on the journal. 
6.The journal cannot be held responsible for the papers; however, the author himself/herself is responsible for the articles unilaterally.
7.The papers, submitted to the journal, should not have been sent to another journal previously and under consideration of another journal for publication simultaneously. If such cases occur, the article is rejected on condition that refutation is published and the journal imposes the required sanctions on the author(s). 
8.Each study is evaluated by the two referees, and the approved papers by the two referees are saved to be published in the following issues.
9.None of the studies and authors has privileges in the journal. Each author and study has the same rights and they’re equal. No privilege is granted.
10.The names of the referees-experts in their fields-will not be revealed to the authors. Information concerning the authors is known only by the system manager and the editor.  It is kept confidential. 
11.Major and minor corrections are made. These corrections are requested from the authors twice. If the required corrections are not made, the publication is rejected by the system automatically.
12.If the article is produced from the thesis, presentation, and so on, it should be stated and explained in the footnote. Otherwise the author is accused of plagiarism. In that case, the journal cannot be held responsible for this situation. 
13.If the paper is not within the scope of the journal, it is the editors and the administrators who will accept or reject the paper unilaterally. The author cannot assert any legal rights. 
14.The uploaded study belongs to the journal with its exclusive rights. For this reason, it is not necessary for the authors to sign any other documents. The studies uploaded to the system are regarded as being transferred to our journal with all rights. 
15.The evaluation process of the studies uploaded to the system takes two months. Studies that are not evaluated within this period are sent to a different referee. So this process may take longer and a demand cannot be asserted. The author cannot assert any legal rights and withdraw his/her article in this process.
16.In the articles with more than one author, the first mentioned author is regarded as the addressee, other authors are not communicated. The journal is not supposed to give information to other authors.
17.The referees act independently in the journal. Authors cannot exercise power over the referees or cannot demand anything from the referees.  
18.The journal publishes 6 times in a year: January, March, May, July September and November. However, there might be changes in the periods depending on the publication process. The journal cannot be held responsible for this. 
19.Following the evaluation process of the studies, the referee report is sent to the first author. The authors should make the required corrections in 15 days. If the corrections are not made in 15 days, the article is rejected by the system automatically. None of the authors can impose sanctions on the journal in this case.
20.All studies must have an abstract in Turkish and English. Key words should be between 5-7 words.  Articles should not exceed 25 pages. Appendices are not included in this number. Abstracts in Turkish and English should be between 100-250 words. The text should be written in TIMES NEW ROMAN font, 12 sized. The whole study should be single spaced. The titles should be written in bold, Times New Roman font, 14 sized. The names and institutions of the authors should be written in bold, italic, Times New Roman font, 12 sized. Turkish and English abstracts should be in Times New Roman font, 10 sized one under the other.  Firstly, the surname of the author is written: YILDIRIM, Ö., 2007:16-17, and the title of the book is written: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”