Yüksek Teknoloji Odaklý Endüstriyel Ekipmanlar Üretim Organizasyonlarýnda Ürün Gerçekleþtirmedeki Problemler Ve Kök Nedenleri


  • admin admin Avrasya Akademi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Ürün- Gerçekleþtirme- Ýþ- Süreçleri- Yönetimi- Hata- Türleri- ve- Etkileri- Analizi- Kök- Neden- Analizi.


Build to order market in high technology is growing rapidly. Especially industrial systems in process industry are under narrow time constraints by the investors, despite the high level of complexity. This dualism results in mistakes, rework and loss of profitability. Consequently such product realization companies loose valuable time and in this rush they have difficulties in knowledge- accumulation and circulation. As a result innovation capability is restricted and the sustainability is jeopardized. In order to isolate key drivers of these problems, a technology oriented international organization was analyzed, where all business processes were captured in a network diagram. Then a process FMEA for the critical path was performed with consequent root cause analysis, indicating potentially the lack of proper IT & requirement management systems with 36.1% as the most critical root cause, followed by the lack of experience with 32.8% and high workload with 31.1%. Subsequently improvement areas in requirement management systems and human resources were indicated successfully.  





