Armenian Policy of Tsarist Russia in Russian Diplomatic Documents 1912-1914





Russia, Ottoman, Armenian, autonomy, independence


In the dates of events occurred in Eastern Turkey, comments on the combat environment was not benefited enough for an Armenian autonomy or independence were placed in the news, newspaper articles, journal articles and also Russian diplomatic reports. The reform project, which was put forward by Russia as reform attempts in regions where Armenians lived, was actually an initiative that would lead to the Armenians autonomy. The following statements of all Armenians? Katagigos were in the report sent in 1912 by Giers, who was the Russian Ambassador in ?stanbul, to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Katagigos of all Armenians is begging with the name of God to Russia, who became a hero of the Christian people in the East with the help of its auxiliary in Caucasia, to take much suffered Turkish Armenians under the auspices. In addition to this, what the Russian helps meant for Armenians was clearly understood in Katogigos Kevork?s letter of thanks to Tsar in 1914. Kevork, who stated his grateful to Tsar for taking the Armenians under the auspices, said that via Armenian reform Project, improvements and regulations for Armenians would actualised and this would motivate the all Christians for a finansal, spiritual, sacred and holy union and cooperation. The conclusions were being summed up by saying that the initiative passed to Russia since this process, which was seen as great progress and development, was actualised with superior diplomacy of Your Excellency.




