Comparison of the Serb, Greek and Bulgarian Nationalism in the Context of the Balkan Nationalism


  • Ergenekon SAVRUN Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi



Milliyetçilik, Balkanlar Sorunu, Sırbistan, Yunanistan, Bulgaristan


In this article we will describes the basic features of ?Ideology of Nationalism? in a unity. Then, we will make comparision in the identification by addressing the Hroch?s ?three stages of nationalism? which were rapidly spreading ideology of nationalism and nation state process towards the end of the 18th century emerging with the 1789 French Revolution and quickly spread in the 19th century. We will also try to explain how this Hroch?s three stage analysis developed on ?Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.? However; the terms of ?Nationalism or Nation? is a vision of a society belives that enables the development of mankind which combining their language, history or cultural ties could create a superstructer of a nation or nations whose name is defined as the accumulation of social community life and ideals of progress. It is a concept that holds the country?s tangible and intangible aspects of interests above all of everything. Though, rather than promoting each other, how they use nationalism against the nations which they call the others and we will try to demonstrate progress which was happened with the support of Western Powers in these three Balkan States.




