Agricultural Workers and Working Retirees in the Soviet Regime as an Example of Social Insecurity


  • Ayşe Nur ÇİFTÇİ
  • Murat ÇİFTÇİ Trakya Üniversitesi



Sosyal Politika, Sosyal Güvenlik, Emeklilik, Eşitsizlikler, Sovyetler Birliği


The Soviet Union was created againist to all kinds of economic and social discrimination and nearly three quarters of a century maintained its preserve. However in practice, always there was discrimination in this regime. For instance in the social security system of the Soviet Regime, it can be seen deep traces of discriminative practices. The first examples of social insecurity practices were pension reductions that are made in the level of agricultural workers. The main explanation of this deduction was giving free foods. So, there was a clear discrimination between agricultural workers and others. As result of same proportion of pension entitlement for all workers, this situation led to the occur low level of pension levels. This type of discrimination, that is called sectoral discrimination, at the same time is called regional discrimination because of the expression the dominant economic activity of the inner parts of USSR. It is also important West Turkestan and the Caucasus that have the dominant weight of Turkish Muslims. Secondly, in the reflection discrimination based on income differences in the Soviet labour market, can be clearly seen social insecurity. According to this situation in the USSR, working retirees had majority among their ages. So, Regime did not provide enough social security againist the risk of Old-Age. In summary, Soviet Regime opposed with its existence by bringing social insecurity and discrimination.




