Büyük Ölçekli Firmalarda Hizmet Üretiminde Olu?an Darbo?azlar?n Belirlenmesi, Çözümü ve Analizi


  • admin admin Avrasya Akademi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Enformasyon- Teknolojileri- Yaz?l?m- Geli?tirme- Proje- Yönetimi- Hipotez


Today, the need for information technologies is constantly increasing in order to take advantage of utilizing data. Information and Information Technology (IT) sometimes constitute bottlenecks for large-scale size enterprises in the intuitional dimension. Given the fact that the causes of these bottlenecks are usually grounded upon various reasons, the main reason is that not to get sufficient efficiency from the projects. In this study, software applications development processes in large-scale enterprises within the scope of the producing services (demand request, content preparation, preparation for analysis, software implementation, testing, user acceptance and reasons of constraints & bottlenecks) are examined, so that a research is done by dealing with how experiencing bottlenecks in this process affects project performance, information, information technology and project management concepts and life cycle of software projects in scope of project management. By determining failure rate of projects are still at a high level according to the literature survey and practice, in information technology (IT) projects, in particular with software application development projects, the failure rate of projects is determined to be above average. Furthermore, by working on simple linear model to measure the success of the project, among the IT workers in a large state-owned bank, a questionnaire is applied, which uses success algorithm in this model including the variables such as Feasibility (demand), Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, Implementation and Delivery. By evaluating the results of this survey, the reasons that effects project performance are analyzed, bottleneck reasons of these factors and at which rate these factors influence the completion of the project for ever single factor are tried to be explained. In the application, by using correlation among factor tests, factor analysis and regression, determination of loads of the factors and validity of the model was investigated.  




Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

admin, admin. (2022). Büyük Ölçekli Firmalarda Hizmet Üretiminde Olu?an Darbo?azlar?n Belirlenmesi, Çözümü ve Analizi . Eurasian Econometrics Statistics & Emprical Economics Journal. Geliş tarihi gönderen https://eurasianacademy.org/index.php/econstat/article/view/910


